Our values.

These 5 pillars are the foundation of our communities.


Our Project Philosophy


In order to truly be a regenerative community, we only develop previously degraded or deforested lands. We have dedicated teams in permaculture, agroforestry, biology, and regeneration working on our projects.

We practice gift economy, where everyone in our neighborhood shares their gifts openly. This can look like hosting the morning workouts or organizing potlucks or offering rides to those that need it. This is the foundation of community - sharing.

We uphold sustainability standards in both our common areas and private residences. We encourage and support you to build your dream eco-home with a list of approved service providers.

We crave places of diversity and intercultural interactions, offering individuals and families a rich living experience. Our communities are international, yet deeply rooted in the local fabric.

Our communities nurture resilience by growing food and planting public fruit forests onsite. We believe this is part of the transition to a more sustainable world.

We believe that the world needs more regenerative communities, and that the Ecovilla model is the right container to make that happen.

Our purpose is to offer a new model of development based on a regenerative and positive footprint engagement. Our project is supported by an active community in the heart of nature. At Ecovilla, you belong to a life changing community with a meaningful purpose and shared goal to regenerate the land for the future of our planet.


“We’re at a time in history where we can live in harmony with nature again.  My dream is to see this kind of community expand all over the world to achieve that harmony.“

Marcelo Valansi
Founder of La Ecovilla speaking for TED x RiodelaPlata

Book a call with us to learn more about how to live in an Ecovilla!

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